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Forbidden Desires Page 16

  The result was incredible as a tight warm glow filled her entire pubic area, and she heard him give a low moan of desire as he strained to control himself long enough for Harriet to reach her first climax in this way.

  She felt her clitoris start to swell and her lubrication increased as she continued to manipulate Lewis until finally the mass of nerve endings contained in that tiny nub retracted at the intensity of the feelings. Remembering Edmund’s instructions, Harriet used her muscles to bear down hard and she felt the clitoris re-emerge so that she could now play the head of Lewis’s penis up and down along the side of the clitoral shaft. This time the glow built higher and higher until she felt herself dissolving into spasms of ecstasy as her climax washed over her.

  At the moment her contractions began, Lewis slipped the head of his penis into the entrance to her vagina and revelled in the feel of her body spasming around him, but still he managed to keep his own climax at bay, determined to save that for the next stage of their lovemaking.

  Harriet looked at him and smiled. ‘That was heavenly.’

  ‘This will be even better,’ he promised her, and then she felt him moving slowly inside her and as he moved so the pressure against her pubic area increased, caused by the weight of his thigh against her. She revelled in the sheer hedonism of the moment.

  In this position it was almost impossible for Lewis to thrust too rapidly and easy for Harriet to dictate the pace, which she did by pressing with her legs to slow him every time he started to move faster than she wanted. It was frustrating for him, but in an exciting way, and the more his orgasm was delayed the more his desire for her increased.

  It was the gentle movement of his upper thigh between her legs that really excited Harriet. She loved the feel of him inside her, but the added thrill of the weight against her increased the depth of the sensations that coursed through her, and as the pleasure mounted she became more and more abandoned, uttering cries of desire and urging him on.

  Then, as always happened, her climb to orgasm abruptly took on a more rapid pace and she felt the pleasurable tingles start to tighten behind her clitoris and her breasts felt swollen and hard. She thrust them upwards, silently beseeching Lewis to pay them some attention and he reached for her nipples with his right hand, drawing the rigid little peaks away from the breasts and rolling them between two fingers before releasing them.

  Now every part of her was alive and frantically surging to the point of no return. Harriet started to pant with excitement and at last she allowed Lewis to increase his pace and he thrust in and out of her more rapidly, and all the time he was pressing his thigh against her full and heavy pelvic area.

  Harriet began to tremble as the first coiling sensations spiralled upwards through the centre of her body, and then Lewis’s thigh pressed down more firmly still and sharp shards of almost painfully intense pleasure lanced through her belly and thighs while at the same time his long fingers squeezed her right breast tightly.

  As he squeezed, Harriet’s body finally reached its peak and she felt the fierce tightness explode into a shattering release, and once more her muscles spasmed helplessly in the blissful moment of satisfaction.

  ‘Now it’s my turn,’ said Lewis thickly and she felt him moving deep inside her, until he too was shuddering and groaning as his body was finally allowed to climax and all the pent up tension and desire of the past week was released in the violent spasms of his orgasm.

  Later, as they lay together, totally replete and happy, Harriet buried her head against his shoulder. ‘I didn’t want it to end,’ she confessed.

  ‘Perhaps it needn’t,’ suggested Lewis.

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘Why don’t you let me put the vibrating loveballs inside you for the rest of the day,’ he suggested. ‘You know how easily you climax with those inside you. You could have orgasms all day in front of the others but only you and I would know.’

  Harriet’s pulse quickened. ‘Yes, I’d like that,’ she agreed, imagining how it would feel when the soft waves of pleasure washed over her in front of Ella, Edmund and Noella.

  ‘Edmund wants to talk to me later,’ continued Lewis. ‘I think he has an idea for some new night-time games. It seems that pitch-and-putt is losing its appeal!’

  ‘What kind of games?’ asked Harriet.

  ‘Sophisticated ones I imagine.’

  ‘Involving all of us?’

  Lewis’s arms tightened round her. ‘Yes, involving all of us. I suppose I always knew what would happen in the end.’

  ‘He hasn’t said anything to me,’ complained Harriet.

  ‘He probably feels he needed to get my approval first. If I say yes, Harriet, will you want to go ahead as well?’

  She felt a surge of excitement and despite what had just occurred between her and Lewis she felt desire rising again. ‘Yes,’ she said firmly. ‘I need to go on with Edmund. I have to find my limit.’

  ‘Even if the game involves us all?’

  Harriet’s grey eyes were thoughtful. ‘What’s the matter? Am I meant to say no? Do you want me to stop now?’

  He shook his head. ‘I want you to be true to yourself.’

  ‘I don’t want to lose you,’ said Harriet fiercely. ‘That won’t happen, will it?’

  ‘I seem to remember you telling me that if it did it would be my fault.’

  ‘I know, but that isn’t strictly true. You haven’t forced me to do anything, and all that I have done I’ve enjoyed. It’s only that I don’t want Edmund to become more important to me than he’s meant to be.’

  ‘We’ll have to wait and see, won’t we?’ said Lewis, suddenly weary of it all. ‘Don’t let’s talk about it any more. Shall I put the loveballs in now?’

  Harriet murmured agreement and felt Lewis slip a pillow beneath her hips before crossing the room to fetch the balls. He covered them in lubricating gel and then gently opened Harriet up between her thighs, slipping the two balls, joined together by a piece of cord, inside her vagina. Then he closed her outer sex lips and carefully massaged the entire area of the vulva until she felt herself swelling beneath the forcibly closed flesh. As her muscles began to move with the delicious sensations so the balls started to vibrate within her in a tantalising rolling motion that swiftly brought about a sweet ache that made her long for another orgasm.

  Lewis saw the expression in her eyes and laughed. ‘No, Harriet! You’ll have to let the balls do the work. Come on, let’s get dressed and join the others. I’m sure a game of badminton on the lawn would help you enjoy yourself.’

  By the time they’d persuaded Ella and Edmund to join them for a game, Harriet was almost frantic for some kind of more intense stimulation that would put a temporary end to the dull throbbing need she was experiencing as the loveballs brushed against her inner nerve endings and kept her constantly on the edge of an orgasm.

  ‘Harriet and I will play you and Ella,’ said Edmund, throwing the shuttlecock over the net to Lewis.

  Lewis served first, dropping the shuttlecock short so that Harriet had to bend sharply to scoop it back up. At once the loveballs inside her rolled forward and the ache travelled up beneath her pubic bone, while transient tingles traversed her inner thighs. Flushed, she straightened up just in time to reach high for a lob thrown up by Ella. She jumped and the balls hit the top wall of her vagina, near her G-spot. Forgetting the shuttlecock, Harriet felt her muscles contract and suddenly a rippling climax went through her.

  ‘You missed it!’ said Edmund incredulously. ‘Hole in your racquet?’

  ‘Sorry,’ said a flushed Harriet. ‘I misjudged it.’

  He saw the blush on her cheeks and the perspiration on her top lip and wondered what there could possibly be about a game of badminton that was sexually arousing.

  As the game progressed, Harriet experienced more and more tiny orgasms, like the early warning tremors of an earthquake. She was grateful when it was over and she could leave the court. ‘I’ve never seen you play so badly,’ comm
ented Edmund.

  ‘I couldn’t concentrate,’ said Harriet truthfully.

  ‘Perhaps you’re missing me,’ whispered Edmund.

  Harriet nodded. She was, but the loveballs were proving a powerful distraction from even that.

  All day Lewis went out of his way to choose activities that would keep Harriet aroused. They went on a pony ride, which meant she was constantly shuddering in bursts of sexual release, and they swam which mean that the water lapped against her vulva increasing the feelings within her.

  By the end of the day she’d lost count of the number of times she’d climaxed, but she found that the more her body was aroused the more she desired stimulation. The gentle satisfaction and sense of being permanently on edge became an irritation as her desire grew for an explosive orgasm that would exhaust her craving body and put an end to its seemingly insatiable demands for more.

  Lewis was constantly aroused too. He knew every time Harriet climaxed, and the knowledge meant that he was also on edge, his desire honed by her stimulation and gentle trembling moments of release.

  When they finally sat down in the drawing room after dinner, Edmund had his suspicions about what was happening. He noticed that for the first time Harriet had chosen to sit on the floor to drink her coffee, and that she rocked absent-mindedly to and fro as she drank, her eyes shining and her skin glowing in a way that he knew was connected with sexual arousal.

  Finally he sat on the floor opposite her and stretched out his legs so that the heel of one foot was resting between her upper thighs. Harriet looked quickly round the room and saw that everyone else was busy talking or reading. Without further hesitation she edged towards Edmund, ensuring that the heel of his foot, slid up her thighs beneath her skirt until it came to rest against the silk panties that covered her vulva.

  Slowly Edmund increased the pressure of his heel and immediately he noticed Harriet’s breathing becoming more rapid and to his surprise the pink flush of arousal appeared on her neck and upper chest, just above the scoop neckline of her dress.

  ‘This is interesting,’ he murmured, looking at his newspaper as he spoke in case anyone looked over to see what was happening.

  Harriet tried to press herself against him more firmly but he withdrew his foot and only replaced it when she was still again. She couldn’t remember when she’d last been so frantic for direct pressure against her vulva; the loveballs were moving insidiously inside her, tormenting her with their ceaseless stimulation. Her whole body was frantic for total satisfaction – satisfaction that only firm pressure around her clitoral area could provide.

  Edmund flexed his big toe against the very spot that was driving Harriet mad and heard her draw in her breath sharply in response. As soon as he heard that, he teasingly removed his toe and a look of anguished need crossed her features. With a smile, Edmund allowed his foot to move once more and this time he used the ball of his foot to massage the area of silk that covered the entrance to Harriet’s vagina while his big toe continued to rotate over the tissue surrounding the clitoris.

  The sensations were exquisite for Harriet. At last the incessant clamouring of her flesh for greater pressure than the loveballs could provide was being satisfied and she felt her whole body tense and her legs began to quiver frantically beneath her skirt. Her mouth opened a little and she breathed slowly to try and control her vocal responses to the sheer bliss of the moment.

  Edmund could see Harriet’s nipples pressing against the fabric of her blouse and as her breasts swelled, the rounded tops rose above the confines of her bra and the creamy flesh was just visible to him as she bent forward a little in order to increase the sensations between her thighs.

  After a whole day of tiny rhythmical contractions, of small but ultimately unsatisfying orgasms, the nearing climax felt to Harriet like an approaching earthquake whose early warnings had been ignored.

  Her thighs and belly cramped painfully as her tight muscles drew in on themselves in preparation for the release Edmund’s foot was promising and she heard a tiny whimper escape from her mouth. She looked about her but no one else seemed to have heard and she turned her attention straight back to what was happening to her increasingly wanton body.

  Edmund had never seen her so flushed and her eyes were wide with desire and fear that this moment of ecstasy might still elude her. Finally he judged that she simply couldn’t wait any longer and he slid his toes up the outside of her silk panties, along the line of her sex lips, in order to press against the tissue around her throbbing nub of pleasure.

  This was precisely what Harriet’s aching flesh had yearned for and without any warning her entire body began to heave and shake as the long-awaited final orgasm crashed down on her. It was so intense, so utterly consuming with its shattering explosion of wild hedonistic pleasure, that she screamed with gratitude.

  ‘Oh yes! Yes!’ she sobbed. As the sensations became too great to bear, her muscles twisted her body forward in an uncontrollable contortion. ‘That’s bliss, such bliss!’

  Edmund never took his eyes from her, and everyone else in the room turned to look as well, startled at the sudden outburst.

  Neither of the other two women present knew how it had been brought about, but they were both very aware of what was happening and watched with fascination as Harriet continued to writhe and moan, her hair falling loose to her shoulders with a few strands clinging damply to her forehead and neck.

  For Oliver, who’d been sitting playing cards with Noella, it was an unbelievable experience and he felt his mouth go dry and his penis stir at the sight of Harriet, gasping and ecstatic as she took her pleasure in full view of them all. If anything, it was even more arousing than when she’d been blindfolded and tied naked to his body, because then he hadn’t been able to see her face or concentrate on anything apart from preventing his own climax.

  Lewis, who understood very well what Harriet must have felt like by the end of the day, studied his wife in the throes of one of her most intimate moments of pleasure and realised to his surprise that this time he wasn’t jealous.

  She looked incredibly beautiful to him as her body finally stopped moving and she leant back against the chair, slowly regaining her composure. Not only beautiful to him, but also beautiful because of what the scene would look like played out on film. He could visualise it so clearly, the lingering shots of the foreplay that had led up to that moment of release, a moment that the cameraman would hold in tight close-up to capture every nuance of expression in her eyes. Only they wouldn’t be her eyes, they’d be the eyes of the actress who played Helena, and at this thought he turned to look at Ella.

  Ella was as turned on by it all as the men, and she parted her lips before moistening them with the tip of her small pink tongue. She too was physically aroused, and would very clearly be able to reproduce the scene she’d just witnessed. For the first time Lewis began to think that she might, after all, be given the role she craved so badly.

  For Harriet, when the bliss of release had passed, it was the most awkward moment of her life. She kept her eyes on the ground for a long time before raising them to look at Edmund. He stared back at her, his mouth unsmiling but there was a light in his eyes that made his admiration and desire very plain. ‘More coffee anyone?’ he asked, getting to his feet in one swift easy movement.

  ‘I could certainly do with some, honey,’ exclaimed Noella, startled by Harriet’s passionate outburst.

  ‘Me too,’ put in Oliver, who was now desperate to make love to Noella.

  ‘I think I’ll go off to bed,’ said Ella, who was so stimulated by what she’d seen that she couldn’t wait to get her hands on her vibrator and bring herself to orgasm. ‘It’s been a tiring day.’

  ‘It certainly has,’ said Lewis with a smile. ‘What about you, Harriet? Are you thirsty?’ She shook her head, unable to speak to any of them and wanting only the sanctuary of her room. ‘Why don’t you go up,’ suggested Lewis, who guessed how she was feeling. ‘I’ll join you later. You
can always watch a video or something.’

  ‘I didn’t know we’d got a video player,’ said Noella.

  Lewis nodded. ‘I have, I always insist on having one installed in my bedroom wherever I’m staying. That way I can see clips or rushes as necessary.’

  Edmund came back into the room with a pot of coffee and some cups. ‘Have you watched much since you got here?’ he asked.

  Lewis shook his head. ‘Very little really, but what I have watched has been highly rewarding.’

  ‘I’m sure it has. Actually, Lew, I wanted to have a private word with you if I could.’

  ‘I think he wants us to go,’ said Noella, downing her coffee in haste. ‘How about a stroll along the lane, Oliver? It might help us sleep soundly!’ Oliver didn’t need asking twice and Ella left the room with them, leaving Edmund and Lewis finally alone.

  ‘Something wrong?’ asked Lewis slowly.

  Edmund shook his head. ‘On the contrary, everything’s going very well. I can’t remember when I last enjoyed a holiday so much.’

  ‘That’s nice to hear.’

  ‘I really wanted to talk to you about Forbidden Desires.’

  Lewis’s eyes grew guarded. ‘What about it?’

  ‘Well, you’ve been spending a lot of time with Mark since we got here, I wondered how far on with it you were.’

  ‘Pretty well on. If you’re worried you can always drop out you know. I’m sure I won’t have a problem finding backers.’

  Edmund smiled. ‘I’m sure you wouldn’t, but I don’t have any plans to back out. It’s a simple enough question, isn’t it?’

  ‘Frankly I don’t think it’s any of your business,’ said Lewis. ‘You didn’t ask any questions about Dark Secret.’

  ‘Ah, well no,’ said Edmund quietly. ‘But that was different, wasn’t it?’

  ‘In what way, different?’

  ‘I wasn’t personally involved.’

  The two men stared at each other in total silence, and it was a long time before Lewis spoke again. ‘In what way, personally involved?’